Old News

finished the concept design i was working on the the spartan video game. 4 pages, they look pretty good. those and more can be found in the inks gallery.

organized the gallery a little, couple more inks up.

I somehow managed to update this thing. There's some new sketchbook stuff in the gallery.

I did this pretty funny Strip last night and decided to post it up. Hopefully tommorow i'll have Pyramid Head up in the Inks Gallery, he looks sweet. I'll try to update this thing more.

Alright everything's up and running on the server. Thank you so much Erik, i'm sure your server will be far more reliable than the shit one Avery used to run. Anyway, now to work out anymore bugs i can hunt down and get the gallery ready for images (which my lazy ass still hasn't scanned).

So it looks like the site's finished layout wise, you won't get to see it till i get some server space and some artwork to put up on it. I'm proud of the finished product hopefully there aren't any (too many) bugs.